Ahhh, Yes - Another 5-Ingredient Salad!

Start with a good quality lettuce mix - Do Not use packaged 'salad' or 'lettuce mixes' - they're FULL of preservatives and usually not at all fresh.  This time I used a mini head of Green Frisee and a mini Red (Butter) Boston and 1/2 a small head of red cabbage.  I cut all those up and ran them through my salad spinner.  Then I added:

1  beautiful, ripe Pink Heirloom Tomato - sliced or chopped.  This one was ripe enough to peel
2  long, thin, bumpy pickling cucumbers - rough peeled and chunked
1  perfect avocado - peeled and cubed
1/2  Spanish Sweet onion

Combine all — toss, let stand for 5 minutes to let the juice from the tomato bring out all the flavors.

Top with your favorite dressing.  I also added some snipped cilantro at the end this time.  If there are ingredients you don't like in this recipe, omit those and substitute your own.  Grated carrots, broccoli, I've found though that other than the lettuce mix, if you have more than 4 ingredients the flavors get lost in the muddle.

Be creative and have fun!. . .Lin

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