Quick And Easy Chicken-Rice Soup — a.k.a. Sick Soup

This never fails when you're really feeling awful. I haven't had anything solid to eat since noon on Monday. I'm blaming either a bad intestinal virus or some toxic restaurant food encountered on our weekend trip. Either way. . .Ick! Now it seems I might be able to handle more than Coke, ginger ale, Jello and tea - so - it's Soup Time!

8oz chicken breast meat cut into small pieces
1/3 of a medium onion
1-2T butter
1T aged, flavorful balsamic vinegar
3 chopped carrots
2 chopped celery stalks
the remainder of the onion – chopped
2/3c white rice (20 minute cooking type)
4c± water
*1T± chicken flavor “Better Than Bullion”

Stir-saute' the chicken and a little onion together in the butter and vinegar. Brown and deglaze several times with a little water if you want, or just add the rest of the ingredients to the pot at this time.

Simmer this, covered, for about 45 minutes.

*Check flavors at the end, adding whatever seasonings are necessary. . .Lin

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