SuperFruit Yogurt Smoothie

1 sm.-med. banana
3/4c pineapple juice
3/4c fresh or frozen cranberries
3/4c plain Greek yogurt

This is just packed with great nutrients.  Bananas for Vit. B-6, Vit. C, fiber and potassium.  Pineapple juice, in this amount, for 100% of your MDA requirement of Vit. C and bromelian which is a powerful, natural anti-inflammatory.  Cranberries contain Vit. C, fiber, and both these and pineapple juice are great antioxidants.

Good quality Greek yogurt has 15+g of protein for a serving this size, as well as 20% of your daily calcium needs.

Also, of course, the live and active probiotic cultures, that are easily digested in yogurt, and are SO important for maintaining good 'gut' health.

Get in the habit of buying these ingredients - whip one up each day, and your body will be happy! . . . Lin

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