Coconut Curry Chicken and Vegetables

    I . . . . . . . LOVE . . . . . . . CURRY ! !

Vegetable curry, lamb curry, chicken curry, beef curry, pork curry. . .the only type I haven't made yet is fish curry!  Mmmm, I'll tackle that soon, when I find just the right piece of firm, flavorful fish.

My first experience with curry was at a tiny Middle Eastern or  Ethiopian restaurant on State Street in Madison, Wisconsin.  I ordered Lamb Curry, which was very similar to the Beef Stew my mom made all during my growing up years.  Big chunks of carrot, potato and meat.  That, however, is where the similarity ended.  The beef stew had undertones of onion and lots of tomato in the sauce.  The Lamb Curry sauce was more mustard brown colored, from the turmeric, with lots of onion and garlic.  The flavor of the curry sauce, vegetables and lamb was totally exquisite.  That may have been my first time experiencing lamb as well.  I could have happily eaten that amazing Lamb Curry for weeks!  I've duplicated it many times since and also changed it.  I've loosened it up quite a bit, chopping the vegetables and meat chunks smaller, varied the sauce from thicker to thinner.  Used coconut milk and omitted it, depending on the flavor I wanted to achieve.

I've added cashews, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds, and also sweet elements such as chopped prunes, dark and golden raisins, dried apricots, mango. . .

Ohhh, Curry!!  Today it's a nice big pot of very mild Chicken Curry. . .

1# bite size chunks of chicken thigh meat
part of a medium onion - chopped small
1T of your favorite curry seasoning
2T coconut oil

Sauté this together for about 15 minutes over medium heat in a 4 quart pot.  The chicken should start to snap a little.  Cover, turn off the heat and set aside.  In a 5-6 quart, larger diameter pot, sauté the following sliced-chopped vegetables in the first group for 15 minutes on low-med. heat:

3-4 carrots
3-4 ribs of celery
Older Garlic - beginning to 'pearl' but still SO good
½ yellow or red bell pepper
the rest of the onion - cut in chunks
2T Penzeys California Seasoned Pepper*
2T more curry powder*
2T coconut oil

1 med. zucchini 
3 med. peeled Yukon Gold potatoes
1" chunk of fresh ginger - peeled and minced
10-12 garlic cloves - peeled and sliced in quarters
½ chopped mango 'leather'
½-1 13.5oz. can coconut milk

*This particular curry powder and pepper blend are both extremely mild and sweet. Adjust these amounts according to the strength of yours, and your heat and flavor preferences.

Add the zucchini, potatoes and garlic and sauté another 5-10 minutes. When needed, add 1c water to keep everything from sticking. Cover and simmer 5 minutes, then add this back to the chicken pot. Heat and simmer another 10-15 minutes. Stir in the coconut milk - I only used half the can and froze the rest for another recipe. Check the flavors of the sauce, and make any needed additions or corrections. Serve and savor! . . . Lin

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