I just realized that. . .I have too many vegetables right now 😳 as an obsessive Foodie, this can happen. Rather than just feed some to the dogs and neighborhood bunnies. . .
Time To Roast!!
🌶🍠🧄🍄🥔🍅🧄🌽🥕🍅🧄🧅🥦🧄 and even a🍍!
I'm going to use the same ingredients to coat everything, EVOO, balsamic vinegar, pepper and garlic salt, in case this isn't quite enough garlic 😁 Mix coating ingredients in a big bowl and replenish as needed. Roast in batches for different lengths of time since they all have their own density and susceptibility to heat. I don't know the times, just stay with this and keep checking. This will be a kitchen day. Work on those projects while roasting. Clean the kitchen, organize a cabinet. If you walk off or get distracted, things will burn!

I'm not sure how anyone else peels this quantity of garlic, but I cut the end off each clove, heat a container of water until it feels hot, not boiling and drop them all in at once. This will let the water do its thing. Leave them a couple minutes, stirring a few times. Drain them in a strainer and start peeling. This pile of garlic only took less than 5 minutes to peel. The warm water gets between the papery skin and the garlic breaking that bond and the skin pops right off.
I'll zip-lock these in compatible flavor groups for future Roasted Blended Vegetable soups, or to add to a pot of roasted meat at the end for a stew. Line a jellyroll pan (cookie sheet with short side and end walls) with parchment paper. You can reuse the papered trays two or three times before changing the paper. It'll go from brown to burnt quickly. This happened during my tomato roasting.
One caution, I used more vinegar than I should have. My vegetables didn't brown and crisp up like they should. I used about a 3:1 ratio of oil:vinegar. I think about a 15:1 ratio would be better. Use mostly EVOO with just a splash of vinegar. I let the tomatoes and peppers dry in the oven overnight. I forgot about the beets I have in my 'fridge and I didn't get to the pineapple. It's a wonderfully rainy day today. The oven will take the dampness out of the kitchen, while roasting those later.
Be SO careful when roasting any peppers other than sweet bell peppers. Those long skinny ones set my hands on fire. It happened once before, years ago, when my children were young. The pain lasted two days. This time I knew what to do. Put straight liquid dish soap on your hands and work it in for a couple minutes before rinsing. The detergent will emulsify the oils in the pepper if used without water. Rinse this off completely with cool water. This time the pain only lasted a few hours. I don't want to leave them in a form that will cause pain to anyone, externally or internally 😦 so, today I'm going to put them in my blender with a little olive oil and blend until they liquify. I'll use the pepper oil to spice up my cooking. . .Happy Roasting! . .Lin
How do you keep the garlic from making your whole house smell like garlic, especially that much?
ReplyDeleteHi Sandi! My granddaughter tells my I have Old Tastebuds! I can add 6-8 big cloves to a recipe and somehow it never seems enough. Occasionally, I've noticed a sort of sour-pungent garlic smell when I cook with it, but it quickly fades. I LOVE GARLIC!! ❤️🧄❤️ So it doesn't bother me. I did have a friend who could eat raw garlic though. We'd take dog walks together and she would smell like unripe, sour, green garlic. It would emit though her lungs and pores and even being outside with her was a challenge. So, apparently you can have too much of a good thing ;-)