A Busy Girl's Amazing Lunch!

1  nice, small bunch of Bok Choy - washed and chopped
1/4  c  small pasta, Orzo, Anici Di Pepe, etc. . .

Simmer together in a little chicken broth - however
much it takes to cook the pasta and steam the greens.

Add 12-14 frozen-thawed shrimp, a little of your favorite hot sauce.  Stir, cover and steam until the liquid evaporates.

Serve with sliced cucumbers with pepper, ranch dressing on the side.  Also a little drizzle of dressing to the shrimp, pasta and greens if needed.

Ohhhh, this was good.  One of those happy surprises I almost didn't post.  I'll for sure make this again, only more of it! . . .Lin

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