Beef Stroganoff - for a big group

Last year I made Venison Stroganoff for a special man I was dating and it turned out horrible!  I now know it was because the venison I used was not good quality - given to me by another man I had dated.  Not good karma!  I suspect the deer was older, or the kill was not quick and clean.  Since then I made another stroganoff using the most wonderful venison I've ever had.  It was amazing!   This one also turned out very well and can be made with beef, venison, elk or even chicken.

1# wide noodles
1¾# very thin sliced beef
½ c butter
2T   balsamic vinegar
3 onions – chopped and sliced
1 very large clove of Elephant garlic – sliced
1# sliced mushrooms
~ optional: 3-4 spring onions – sliced
8oz sour cream

Cook the noodles while sauteing the beef in butter and vinegar. Add onions, garlic and mushrooms. Simmer until the onions become translucent. Add enough beef flavored Better Than Bullion – about 3T – to flavor it well. If you're a fan of onions, add 3 or 4 Spring Onions sliced. If the gravy needs thickening, combine 2T flour with water making a paste and add to the simmering meat pot. At the very end, stir in sour cream, combine with noodles. Serve now or transfer to a small turkey roaster. If you're taking this to a friend's house, heat the covered pan in a conventional oven at 300° 15-20 minutes when you arrive. Pairs great with a big tossed salad. . .Lin

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