Sick Food for Stomach-Intestinal Viruses

About once a year I get it. It arrived last night around 11pm, after I had been asleep a couple hours. And no, flu shots don't touch it. The stomach-intestinal virus is not what people get vaccinated for. The vaccine is for the upper respiratory, fever, headache, feeling like you were hit-by-a-truck sort of flu.

When you get the stomach-intestinal flu – often accompanied by a variety of symptoms, including but not limited to nausea, vomiting, headache, body aches, intestinal and stomach cramping, and lastly BAD diahrrea. The very BEST thing you can do when this hits is to follow these instructions.

Back in the '80's I was the only K-8 School Secretary for our Teachers, Principal and 330 Students. So many times sick children would be in my office holding a bucket in front of them waiting to be picked up by a parent and taken home. These sick students would be back the next day, looking very pale, in my office buying lunch and milk tickets! Not a good idea at all. I had to send so many of them home two and sometimes three days in a row, it was clear some educating was needed. I typed up a sheet, similar to this, to hand out to parents the first day they came to get their child. This paper earned me the title of School Puke Doctor :o)

When you find yourself sick in this way, if there is vomiting involved, wait 4 hours after your stomach finally stops revolting, then begin liquids. If vomiting wasn't a part of the mix, well, lucky you! You can SLOWLY start the liquids as soon as you begin to get hungry, thirsty. Don't eat anything solid though, or you'll have to start the process over again. For the next 24 hours, all you should do is treat your headache, body aches with NSAIDS if you can. Drink or eat clear liquids. No matter how hungry you get, remember NO solid foods!

Start by preparing the following liquids. Jello, chicken or beef bullion, naturally sweetened tea (real sugar, honey or maple syrup) your body NEVER likes artificial sweeteners, and especially not when it's stressed like this. For cold drinks, such as regular (not diet) sodas, colas are best. There's something in the cola bean that relaxes the long muscles of the stomach, take away the cramps and spasms and are especially beneficial right now. Later, for a little variety you could also drink some ginger ale, clear lemon-lime soda, 50-50 or Squirt. (the Jello parfaits shown have half regular set jello topped with a little of that same jello whipped with a beater just for a little extra touch to make your sick person feel special.)  The balance of salt (sodium) and sugar in these easy-to-digest foods will restore the energy your body needs now.

Once the magic 24 hour has passed you can begin to introduce bland solids. A few fine pasta noodles in your bullion, soda crackers, very thin potato soup that is NOT cream or milk base. Stay off all dairy products for at least a week. During a very bad stomach-intestinal bug, the good bacteria in your intestinal tract needed to digest the lactose in all dairy products is wiped out. Dairy will really irritate that and cause the symptoms to return. If you would like to help jump your body's ability to reintroduce the good bacteria, go to your local food co-op or health food store and get a good quality 'probiotic' and take it for a couple weeks each time this virus hits.

Here's hoping for a Happy Healthy Winter for all my Food Blog and Facebook Food Page friends. Listen to your body and remember to eat smart, especially when you've been sick. . .Lin

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