A Yellow And Green Breakfast

Eggs always represent the yellow, in any form you like them: boiled, poached, sunny-side up, over easy, scrambled. . . The green can be any fresh green vegetable: Asparagus, broccoli, collard greens, fennel, green beans, kale, mustard greens, spinach, zucchini. . .

1 crown of broccoli
~ scrubbed and separated
2 eggs and a little bit of butter

Begin by steaming the vegetables in a little water in a covered pan. When still bright and barely fork tender, move them aside, add a little butter and cook the eggs in the open space. Season, plate and eat. If you feel the need you can add a muffin, toast or a little bowl of fruit, but be mindful – appreciate the textures and flavors of it all. . .Lin

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