Clean Out The 'Fridge Soup

After too much sugar and grains the past few days, nothing sounded better to me than a nice cleansing-comforting pot of Cabbage Soup.  BUT, there was no cabbage in my refrigerator.  In spite of that, today's soup will still be healthy and cleansing in a couple ways. It will empty my 'fridge and cleanse and restore a better balance to my body. These are the ingredients I needed to use up. You can follow it or use it as a guideline to create your own, depending on what in your refrigerator needs to go. Have fun and be creative.

2-3” of celery heart
3 colorful mini-peppers
2 large carrots
2 very large clove elephant garlic
1 med.-lg. yellow onion
2-4T mix of olive oil and Balsamic vinegar
2t powdered rosemary
1t ground tumeric
1t± Penzey's black and red ground pepper
1 can chopped tomatoes
celery tops
3 bay leaves
1T± instant soup base (veg. chick. or beef)

Saute all the chopped-sliceed vegetables, with the herbs, in the oil-vinegar mix over medium-low heat for about 15 minutes. Add rest of ingredients plus 4-6 cups of water. Simmer 45 minutes or so. Makes 2+ quarts. Eat and feel the cleansing begin! . . . Lin


  1. Sounds like a win/ win recipe... Healthy and yummy :-) !!!!

  2. Thanks, it's a keeper. The flavors were so well accentuated by the blend of peppers and herbs. Perfect for not only today, but all year long I'm thinking. :-) Lin
