A 24/7 Salad Bar At Your House

I make at least one big salad a day for myself. Not always at the usual time for such things. This morning I had one for breakfast!

I'm not a fan of buying single-purpose gadgets, however I wouldn't be without my salad spinner. Progressive makes several of these. The big one shown is the one I bought at Walmart for right around $10.00. No need to spend $60-$80 at a specialty shop. Using the spinner I can combine salad greens, wash them up and have them ready for 3-4 big salads at all times. This particular mix was green cabbage, red and green Boston (Butter) Lettuce and an onion. Since this makes it convenient to put a salad together in just a couple minutes, you know your doing something good for you body that takes almost no time to prepare. Today I added a mini-English cucumber, ½ an avocado and a tomato. No more excuses for not getting fresh vegetables into your diet each day. . .Lin

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