Meringue 'Cookies'

These are FULL of sugar, so if that's a concern for you, just pass on this recipe. The one partially redeeming quality with these is the egg whites are also FULL of protein! They are really pretty for a special occasion but not something you'd serve every day.

Lemon Meringue Cookies

4 egg whites at room temperature
¾c white sugar
¼t cream of tartar
7 drops of dietary quality lemon oil
5 drops of yellow food coloring

Beat all the above until the meringue forms stiff peaks. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and drop on big spoonfuls of meringue. Sprinkle with a bright decorative sanding sugar. Bake at 275° for one hour. Cool at least one hour then peel off the parchment paper and serve. They're great with a cup of hot tea. Makes about 2 dozen. . .Lin

Brown Sugar-Cinnamon Meringue Cookies

4 egg whites at room temperature
¾c soft brown sugar
1-2T ground cinnamon
¼t cream of tartar
1-2t pure vanilla

Follow the above instructions. These are slightly carmel and spicy flavored as opposed to the light fruitiness of the lemon meringues. Makes about 2 dozen. . .Lin

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