Madrasala Curry Chicken Salad

I'm not a huge fan of deli lunch meat, but once in a while, something that sounds interesting will get my attention.  Such was the case with the Madrasala Curry Chicken;  I quickly discovered it was just too much.  Too much spice = h.e.a.r.t.b.u.r.n 😕 Since I still had 12oz. left, I decided to try to cool it off and convert it to chicken salad.

12oz. Madrasala curry chicken
1 med. carrot - finely chopped
1c. celery - diced
chopped celery tops
⅓c chopped sweet pickle
1⅓c Vidalia onion - diced
⅓c dried sweet cherries - chopped
enough mayonnaise to hold it together

Chop the chicken into a medium glass bowl.  Add the other ingredients and fold together until well coated and blended.  This can be served on crispy chopped romaine, used as stuffing for tomatoes or sweet peppers.  You could also add tiny pasta, cooked el dente', for a nice pasta salad.  This turned out well.  The crunchy-coolness of the celery, the chopped Vidalias, cherries and pickles added texture and were the sweet elements needed to calm the chicken's spiciness.

When some food you've bought or prepared doesn't meet your expectations, don't just throw it away.  Think of what you can do to offset the problem, then revise your original plans for it.  .  .
Fun - Creative Cooking 101!
If nothing works and it's something grainy, put it out for the birds, bunnies and squirrels.  If it's vegetable, egg, meat or cheese based, combine a little with your dog's regular food as a treat for them. Compost it. . .Lots of options. . .As my Sweet Old Mom would say, "Just put on your Thinking Cap and figure it out!" 😍 Happy Cooking!  Lin

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