Almond Carrot Fruit Muffins

1c chopped rhubarb
1 lg. grated carrot
2T real vanilla 
zest from one lemon
juice from half a lemon
⅓c shredded coconut~~
⅓c organic cane sugar
⅓c dried cherries
⅓c raisins
⅔c avocado oil
2 lg. eggs

1c fine corn meal or corn flour
½c organic unbleached flour
½c quick steel cut oats
½c hazelnut flour
¾c sliced almonds
¼c ground flax seed mix*
1T pumpkin pie spice
½t Himalayan pink salt
1t each: bak.soda + bak.powder

Combine the first ingredients in a medium bowl, mixing well with a wooden spoon.  Set this aside to rehydrate the raisins and orange peel, while measuring and combining the flours and spices, etc., in a big bowl.

Once all the dry ingredients are combined well, pour in the egg-fruit mixture, stir well, but quickly so as not to over blend.  If it's a little dry, add a splash of water, milk or half and half.  If you use milk or half and half, stir in a tablespoon of white vinegar to covert it into buttermilk.  This will give the muffins better flavor and texture.  Spoon into prepared muffin cups.

Bake in a preheated 350⁰ oven for about 15 minutes, or until they pass the toothpick test.  This makes 24 nice size muffins.  Mmmm! . . . Lin

~~I don't like the texture of the coconut.  If I make this again, I'll omit this ingredient.
*I found a wonderful one that contains flax, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame and goji berries.  All finely ground.

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