Roasted Leg Of Lamb

While I was visiting friends in Wisconsin a couple months ago, I really splurged on food at stores I love.  I went to an amazing natural food store, sort of a Co-Op, but as big as a giant grocery store.  Another couple favorite grocery stores and two wonderful meat markets.  I spent a bundle!  I bought a lamb roast on my way home at a great meat market in Lake Tomahawk, Wisconsin.  Called, The Lake Tomahawk Meat Market - Catchy huh, and so original!  They had several great lamb roasts and I picked a frozen one and they sliced that right in half.  Right through the bone, like a knife through butter!  I thawed it the other day and cooked it today.

I first made a rub using the ingredients shown here.  About ⅓-½c each of brown, seedy mustard and garlic paste.  Add many good shakes of my Rosemary Seasoning.  Mix this together, smear it all over the meat.  Grind fresh black pepper over the roast.  Give it a lot!  Let this just sit and marinate an hour or so in the 'fridge.  Preheat the oven to 400° throw a couple sweet potatoes in alongside the roast if you want, roast this, uncovered, for 20-30 minutes.  Drop the heat to 350° and bake an additional 12-15 minutes per pound.

This roast was 2½#.  I baked it for 50 minutes then took it out of the oven, let it rest 10 minutes, covered before slicing.

It was done medium, I was hoping for medium-rare, but the meat is such excellent quality that it was not at all dry and had deep, rich flavor.

I didn't make gravy, I just sprinkled the slices with more Rosemary Seasoning and it brought out so much flavor.

This dinner was only a few ounces of lamb.  I'll be using the rest in the next few days in other recipes.  My Scotch Broth (again) being one of them, for sure!  I'm also thinking of possibly making a Lamb and Rice Curry, so, we'll see. . . Lin

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