Surprise!! And One Of My Favorite Breakfasts!

Even during this COVID-19 Isolation
What could be better than:
A VERY Careful Visit From A Friend?
Well, if your a foodie like me. . .It just might be. . .
A VERY Careful Visit From A Friend. . .

We had planned to have a quick, well-distanced visit here this morning, but I developed a cold yesterday. Sneezing, coughing, lots of nose blowing. Today I'm pretty sure it's just allergies, but at our age, with immune issues and all these precautions in place, we decided to cancel. Then I got a call from this Sweet Friend asking if my doorbell worked (?) Nope, it doesn't. I was instructed to check my porch, where the afore mentioned, Sweet Friend, had left me 4 Venison Steaks. Ohhh, my.

Then my growly stomach reminded me, a couple hours later, with all my tea consumption, I hadn't eaten yet.

Ahhh, what to fix, Greek yogurt, berries and granola? Leftover Beef Bolognese?

Nooo!!  STEAK AND EGGS!! 😃

I quickly chopped half of a big purple shallot, seasoned a 3 oz. steak, quick-seared-fried those in black truffle oil then cracked in a couple fresh eggs. I like the yolks broken, flipped and done over-medium, so although they look like a big mess, they're perfect for me. If you're hungry in the morning, there's always time for breakfast, even Restaurant Worthy Steak and Eggs.

Thank you Sweet Friend! 🤗 . .Lin

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