Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread Pudding

½ loaf heavy whole wheat sourdough bread

This might have been ⅔ of a loaf. Weighing  would have been more accurate. Cut this in ½" cubes and put into a 200° oven for an hour, then turn off the heat. Leave in the oven for a couple more hours or until the cubes are quite dry.

2-3 lg. eggs
¾-1c half and half *
2t Mexican vanilla
½c light brown sugar
2t pumpkin pie spice

½c melted coconut oil
1c soft dark or golden raisins
1c rough chopped walnuts

Preheat the oven to 275°. Stir the sugar and pumpkin pie spice together, then beat the first 5 ingredients in that group, with an egg beater or electric hand mixer. If this mixture is cold, heat it just a little, in the microwave, so the coconut oil stays warm and liquid. Stir the oil in, then add the raisins and walnuts. Add the bread cubes and mix everything together well. Pour this into an oiled casserole dish.
Total Decadence...

After pouring everything in a casserole dish, if the bread isn't absorbing well, microwave it for 4 minutes, then cover it for 5 minutes while the oven preheats. Sprinkle the top with cinnamon sugar the bake 25-40 minutes until the custard mixture absorbs and the bread is a bit brown and crispy on top. Fully loaded and embellished - top with a little dab of sour cream.  I meant to add orange zest to the recipe, but forgot, so I put a little Kumquat-Plum Marmalade on top also. This would be good for breakfast, dessert or a late night snack. . .Lin

I didn't have half and half, but the coffee creamer shown is just cream, milk, a little sugar, and it worked very well.

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