Strawberry Spinach Salad with Quinoa (millet and buckwheat)

I was putting together my Quarantine-Florentine Meatloaf, and kept looking at that pile of leftover spinach leaves.  Hmm, I have a really good mix of nuts, I have strawberries, green onion, even feta cheese.  And bacon!  And a balsamic vinaigrette I made a while ago... Okay, when the meatloaf is put together and baking, I'm gonna make a BIG salad.

a BIG handful of fresh spinach
4 big ripe strawberries and tops
2 very large green onions

¼c quinoa--mine was a quinoa-buckwheat-millet mix
½c+ water for cooking it
½c chopped mixed nuts--mine were macadamias, cashews and walnuts

for even more crunch, you could add sliced celery hearts or chopped water chestnuts

Slice or chop all the fresh ingredients into a big, BIG bowl.  I saw something on a cooking show or read an article by a chef recently - can't remember which - where it was mentioned we should be eating strawberry greens.  That they're like a little mini fruit salad that way.  Okay, I'm game!  Rinse the quinoa, then combine it with the water in a little pan, bring to a boil, cover and simmer on low until you hear that the water is gone. Add another drizzle of water, along with the chopped nuts, stir, cover and remove from the heat for another 5 minutes.  Combine in the big bowl with the fresh ingredients, toss, dress, top with crumbled bacon, feta cheese and some good black pepper to wake it all up!  Mmmm!  Salad!  I ate half of this, then later came back for the rest.  It seemed to need more acid and fruit.  I grated in some orange peel and cut up a CaraCara orange into what was left. Perfect! . . .Lin