S.T.R.A.W.B.E.R.R.I.E.S. ! !

Aldi's had beautiful strawberries a few days ago when I shopped.  1# containers for $1.29 each.  I saw them later at another store, didn't look nearly as fresh, at 2 / $5.00.  I separated them according to ripeness.  The ripest ones needed to be preserved somehow, so I washed, sliced, sugared, peppered and added orange zest.  Wait, you say. . ."Peppered??"  Yes.  Black pepper and fresh fruit go SO well together.  One of my favorites is ripe Bartlett pears sliced, drizzled with a little fresh lemon juice, fruity balsamic vinegar, and a sprinkle of turbinado sugar and black pepper.  Serve those over crisp sliced romaine lettuce, with your favorite strong crumbled cheese.  Mmmm.  So back to the strawberries.  Today I had half a lemon cut so I used that for the juice and the zest from a CaraCara orange.

1# fresh ripe strawberries
fresh lemon, lime or orange juice
2T light brown sugar
zest of a lemon, lime or orange
a generous sprinkle of good black pepper

These will keep 3-5 days in the refrigerator. Good with plain Greek yogurt and granola, on top of vanilla ice cream, or just like this, out of the bowl. Also combined with other fruits for a flavorful fruit salad, halved grapes, cherries, pineapple, kiwi. Or here, a CaraCara orange, mini avocado a sprinkle of salt and pepper.   . . .Mmmm. . .

Buy Strawberries - The Season is short!  Lin

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