Cherry Dill Pickles

 I made these a couple years ago and wasn't impressed, but I've really been craving pickles lately, so decided to give them another try. I'd really rather use Lemonade flavored Koolaid, but I have Cherry from the last time, so I'll start with that. I think the pickles I used last time were bigger, so I'm hoping these absorb the flavors  better. All the directions I've seen show sliced, dill pickle spears as the pickles to use, but those are too mushy for me. I like small crunchy whole dills. So, here we go again. . .

1 32oz. jar of your favorite Gendey dills
1 packet of Koolaid or equivalent
some jalapeño slices
¾c sugar

Drain the pickle juice into a medium bowl. Add the flavor packet and the sugar. Whisk until they're both dissolved. Pour over the pickles in the jar, shake, refrigerate for 7-10 days, shaking the jar every day.  Take a bite and see what you think. . .yea or nay. . .The jalapeño slices were my idea, I like dill, sweet and heat together. It's Summer! Time for some Cherry Dill Pickles 😜 🙃 😁 I'll add another note and picture here when they're ready.

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