Bacon & Vegetable Egg Bake

As always, be creative.  If you don't have bacon, use smoked chicken, or sliced ham.  Or make it vegetarian or vegan! . .Cooking is art.  More open to interpretation, current refrigerator contents, and going-with-the-flow.  Baking is science.  This recipe contains both actually.

I used to make these with ½-⅔c Bisquick, but ran out once.  I was already chopping and assembling when I realized, so I Googled 'what's in Bisquick.'  I make my own modification of that now, usually using a mix of wheat and corn flour, plus about 1t baking powder and ½t of salt, per cup of flour mix.  My Breakfast Bakes are similar to the Bisquick 'Impossible' recipes in that they don't have an actual crust, bottom or top, like a quiche. The flour mix creates just a hint of that, and holds all the ingredients together nicely.  Good for those of us who are NOT 'crust people.'

Leavening agents always puzzle me, so when this mix turned out well, I was happy. I like to add about ¼-⅓c of good healthy elements also.  Today it's my favorite, one of Linwoods ground seed blends.  They make excellent quality products.  When adding flax, etc., always use ground vs. whole.  Whole seeds don't digest well, so all those good nutrients will just shoot right through you without absorbing 😉

Preheat your oven to 375° and grease an 8"x11" or 9"x13" glass pan.  I usually use coconut oil spray which works great.

5-6oz. good peppery bacon - slice, chop or cut with scissors into small pieces.  Fry, take off the heat and tilt the pan to separate the grease from the bacon.  In a large glass measuring container with a handle and spout. . .

8 lg. eggs - whisk well, then add:
1c grated Parmesan cheese
3T bacon grease
¾-1c liquid
· milk, sour cream + water, coconut-almond milk 
  half and half, (beet, carrot or tomato juice??)

2-3c chopped vegetables, a mix of spicy, aromatic, crunchy and flavorful - whatever you have in the fridge that would go well in this which is similar to an omelette.
3+oz. slice-chopped fresh spinach, kale or other greens
Chop - slice everything and spread evenly in the baking pan. Add the bacon pieces.

⅔c flour mix - today it was ¼c each, coconut flour and oat bran
½t each, salt & pepper, 1t baking powder
2T ground flax, chia, sunflower, sesame and goji berry mix

Breakfast Bake, Salad w/Vinaigrette, Kohlrabi = 425 calories
Mix the dry ingredients well in a small bowl, then just before baking, add to the egg mixture in the glass container.  Whisk well, pour over everything in the pan and top with cheese.  Today I used 6 slices of American cheese and sprinkled the top with a little smokey paprika just before it went in the oven.  Bake 30 minutes or until it's nicely set.  Remove from the heat, cool at least 15 minutes before cutting and serving.  This will keep well in the 'fridge for 3-5 days.  Since it makes a nice big pan, have a friend over for breakfast, bring some to your book or study group, or just about any hungry person you know, who needs to see your face! . .Lin

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