Potatoes and Chard with a Side of Beans

Potatoes and Rainbow Chard

1 5" Yukon Gold potato
1 bunch Rainbow Chard
1-2T minced jarred garlic
2T fig vinegar
salt and pepper

Wash the chard.  Cut the stems in 1" chunks.  Scrub and slice the potato.  Cut it lengthwise, then in ¼" slices.  Coat with oil and vinegar, salt and pepper, steam, adding a little water if needed.  Cook, covered this way, over low-medium heat for 7-10 minutes.  Meanwhile, gather up the chard, roll it like a carpet, cut lengthwise a couple times.  Cross-cut in ¼" slices.  Add a little water if needed, cover and steam over medium heat, another 10 minutes.  This made 4 big servings. . .Lin

Small Mixed Beans

1c black beans, navy beans and black-eyed peas
6c water

Potato-Chard with Mixed Beans - 500 Calories
Simmer on medium until it comes to a boil, then turn the heat to a low bubble for 20 minutes.  Drain, rinse in cold water, put the beans back into the pot.  Cover with fresh cold water.  Bring to a boil, reduce to a low bubble again for an hour.  Try the beans to be sure they're done.  Drain, rinse in cold water.  Put the beans back in the pot and soak them in very cold water 5 minutes.  Drain again and let dry a while.  Use now or refrigerate for up to 5 days.   This was breakfast-lunch today.    The calorie count is based on ⅓ less beans than shown. Beans are very nutrient dense.  High in calories, but full of great protein and fiber.  I connected with a nutritionist a couple times, who makes a very convincing case for the value of beans in our diet.  According to her studies, 2+ cups of beans a day, will give a healthy person great nutrition, plus they'll pull lots of toxins from your body.  Check her out The Bean Queen. . .Lin

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