A Cleansing Wake-Up Drink

"It'll Cure What Ailes You!"  As my dad would say about so many things he'd try to get me to eat when I was a little girl - and a very picky eater.  My how times have changed!

I've posted this before but it needed to make another appearance. The ingredients in this drink have amazing properties. Filtered water and lemon juice for an all body cellular-level cleansing, raw honey for it's healing abilities and cayenne for its anti-inflammatory qualities.

In an old stovetop porcelain coffee pot boil 3 mugs of filtered water. Remove from the heat and add 1-2T of raw honey, juice of 1 lemon and a couple sprinkles of cayenne. Stir and drink. This is especially nice after a hard achy night fighting a virus or to counteract the effects of indiscriminate drinking or eating. Start your day this way for a week or so and notice the difference! . . . Lin

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