Italian Chicken, Beans, Pasta and Greens

15oz. jar of Alfredo sauce
6-8oz. chicken bone broth
6oz. olive tapenade
~ Whisk these together

8oz. dry white beans - cooked
~or~ 2 cans - drained and rinsed
1 bunch green onions - chopped
12oz. cooked chicken - chopped
a couple big handfuls of fresh kale - chopped and simmered 8 minutes (these are all shown in the big bowl)

12oz. dry pasta - cooked al dente'

1# zucchini - sliced-diced
3 ribs of celery - chopped
1 skinny sweet orange pepper - sliced
1½oz. packaged sun-dried tomato - diced
~ Drizzle these with EVOO and season with dry rosemary, Himalayan pink salt and a mix of red and black ground peppers.  Roast at 400° for 15 minutes. (shown at the left, above, after roasting)

shredded parmesan cheese

This is a pretty time and labor intensive recipe if you do it all from 'scratch,' start to finish. So pick and choose how, and/or if, you want to cut corners = rotisserie chicken, packaged/canned chicken broth, canned beans, fresh spinach instead of fresh kale (spinach doesn't need pre-cooking) are all examples.

Once everything is assembled as shown in the second picture, put a layer of each in a glass baking pan. First the chicken-kale mixture in the bowl, then the pasta, then the roasted vegetables. Drizzle with the Olive-Alfredo sauce, top with shredded parmesan. Refrigerate or freeze now if you'd like.

When ready to eat, (defrost) then bake at 300°
for 20-25 minutes. . .Lin

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