Fruit-Yogurt Smoothie

½c plain Greek full fat yogurt
½c canned pineapple - no sugar, just juice
½c pineapple juice
1c frozen cranberries
a handful of frozen raspberries*
1c± frozen strawberries and bananas
a little nutmeg and cardamom
1-2t ground pumpkin pie spice

300-350 calories ±

This is a favorite go-to of mine, but from now on, *I'll eliminate the raspberries. I'm not a fan of those seeds. I vary this up depending on the fruit I currently have. I love adding a little fresh citrus, a whole 'cutie', a third of a lemon or lime. Blueberries and dark cherries are also so good. Be creative. Soon I'd like to experiment with more fruits, soft leafed herbs, carrots. Vegetable, green smoothies are also lots of fun. Beets, greens, kale, carrots, garlic, tomatoes. . .oh, so many possibilities.  

Happy Cooking! . .Lin

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